Sunday, November 3, 2013

Girl: let's meet up I miss you a lot.
Boy: Okay, later babe I'm drinking with my boys. Let’s meet up around 12:00.

Girl: You started drinking again? /:

Boy: Yeah don't worry about me babe, I'll see you later though my phone battery is about to die.

*boy turns phone off* He continues drinking and loses track of time. At 2:35 he comes home to find his brother outside panicking. He says "A Hospital just called me your girl was shot to death. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!"

* Boys begins crying and turns phone on* last message from his girl.

1:45: I have been out by your house for a while now I guess your phone must have died. I'm leaving all I wanted to do was see you, but I hope you're having fun with your friends. Text me when you get home babe... I Love

1:55: babe some guys are following me I'm scared!

2:00: voice mail*
Babe I'm scared some guys are chasing me irk what to do.

* Shots go off * Silence

Appreciate what you have, because you never know what you truly have till it’s gone. . . . .

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